Jesus not Bunnies
Kay Kay

Jesus not Bunnies

For many Christians in America, Easter is a time of deep religious significance. Churches across the country hold special services and masses, and families come together to share in the celebration. Many churches hold sunrise services on Easter Sunday, which mark the moment of Jesus' resurrection. Easter is also a time for baptism and other religious ceremonies in some Christian traditions.

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What makes a great American?
Santino Vannozzi Santino Vannozzi

What makes a great American?

The concept of what makes a "Great American" can vary depending on individual perspectives and beliefs. However, there are certain qualities and characteristics that are often associated with being a great American:

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America the Contranym
Santino Vannozzi Santino Vannozzi

America the Contranym

Contranyms are words that are their own antonym or opposite, for instance the word clip. You can use a paper clip to clip together pieces of paper, or you can clip your hair and remove, in other words the clip giveth and the clip taketh away.

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